Редовен професор д-р Билјана Пејова

Кабинет 231 Локал 922 Дир. телефон +38923249922 Email biljana@pmf.ukim.mk



Doctoral degree

 January 2006, PhD in Chemistry: "CHEMICAL DEPOSITION, OPTICAL AND PHOTOELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF THIN FILMS OF SEMICONDUCTING NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS" (Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje)

Postdoctoral work

2008-2009, Department of Materials Physics, Ångstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden

Area of research: HYDROGEN IN THIN FILMS OF METALS AND METAL SUPERLATTICES (Host: Professor Björgvin Hjörvarsson).

The post-doctoral fellowship has been granted by the Swedish Institute.

Current position

Full Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (appointed in December 2016). 

Previous positions and periods of appointment At the Institute of Chemistry (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, SS. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje) 

  • January 1998, Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry
  • October 1998, employed as a younger research/teaching assistant
  • October 2002, Master of Science degree in Chemistry
  • December 2006, appointed as Assistant Professor
  • December 2011, appointed as Associate Professor.


  • Post-doctoral research grant awarded by the Swedish Institute in 2007.
  • Awarded as the best student in generation from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics after graduation in 1998.
  • Awarded as the best scientist at SS. Cyril and Methodius University in 2013.


  • More than 50 papers (most of which published in highly respected international journals such as: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Thin Solid Films, Applied Surface Science, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics etc.).
  • Three invited comprehensive review papers related to low-dimensional or bulk semiconductors (appeared in three monographs published by Nova Science Publishers, New York).

Bibliometrics (according to ISI Web of Science)

  • Citations: 1215 (without self-citations, Web of Science, 24.05.2023)
  • h – Index: 22 (Web of Science, 24.05.2023)

Research-related and other professional assignments 

  • Referee for a number of highly ranked international journals
  • Member of Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia
  • Member of the Swedish Institute Alumni Association
  • Member of COSENT partnership for nanotechnology

Selected articles

1. B. Pejova, S. Premcheska, E. Sherif Miftar, From self-affine Ag to mounded Ag@Ag2O core-shell nanoplasmonic surfaces by sonochemistry“, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, in press.

 2. B. Pejova, E. Sherif, M. W. Minde, Sonochemically synthesized quantum nanocrystals of cubic CuInS2: Evidence for multifractal surface morphology, size-dependent structure, and particle size distribution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020) 20240-20255.

3. B. Pejova, Optical absorption of semiconductor quantum dot solids, Semiconductor Science and Technology 29 (2014) 045007 (15 pages) (Paper selected for inclusion in IOPselect, on the basis of the following criteria: i) substantial advances or significant breakthroughs; ii) a high degree of novelty; iii) significant impact on future research; http://Select.iop.org.).

4. B. Pejova, Optical phonons in nanostructured thin films composed by zincblende zinc selenide quantum dots in strong size-quantization regime: competition between phonon confinement and strain-related effects, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 213 (2014) 22-31.

5. B. Pejova, Three-dimensional assem­blies built up by quantum dots in si­ze-quantization re­gi­me: Band gap shifts due to size-dis­tri­bu­ti­on of cadmium selenide nanoparticles, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 207 (2013) 147-151.

6. B. Pejova, Phonon confinement and related effects in 3D assemblies of cu­bic cadmium selenide quantum dots synthesized by con­ven­ti­o­nal chemical and sonochemical routes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 19689-19700.

7. B. Pejova, I. Bineva, Sonochemically synthesized 3D assemblies of close-packed In2S3 quantum dots: Structure, size dependent optical and electrical properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 7303-7314.

8. J. Bloch, O. Levy, B. Pejova, J. Jacob, S. Curtarolo, B. Hjörvarsson, Prediction and hydrogen acceleration of ordering in iron-vanadium alloys, Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 215503 (5 pages). 

9. B. Pejova, B. Abay, Nanostructured CdSe films in low size-quantization regime: tem-perature dependence of the band gap energy and sub-band gap absorption tails, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011) 23241-23255.

10. B. Pejova, D. Nesheva, Z. Aneva, A. Petrova, Photoconductivity and relaxation dynamics in sonochemically synthesized assemblies of AgBiS2 quantum dots, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011) 37-46.

11. J. Bloch, B. Pejova, J. Jacob, B. Hjörvarsson, Hydrogen-vanadium system in thin films: Effect of film thickness, Physical Review B 82 (2010) 245428. 

12. B. Pejova, B. Abay, I. Bineva, Temperature dependence of band gap energy and sub-­band gap absorption tails in strongly quantized ZnSe nanocrystals deposited as thin films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010) 15280-12291.

13. B. Pejova, The Urbach-Martienssen absorption tails in the optical spectra of semiconducting variable-sized zinc selenide and cadmium selenide quantum dots in thin film form, Materials Chemistry and Physics 119 (2010) 367-376.

14. B. Pejova, The higher excited electronic states and spin-orbit splitting of the valence band in three-dimensional assemblies of close-packed ZnSe and CdSe quantum dots in thin film form, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181 (2008) 1961-1969.

15. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, D. Nesheva, A. Petrova, Size-dependent properties of sonochemically synthesized three-dimensional arrays of close-packed semiconducting AgBiS2 quantum dots, Chemistry of Materials 20 (2008) 2551-2565.

16. B. Pejova, A. Tanuševski, A study of photophysics, photoelectrical properties and photoconductivity relaxation dynamics in the case of nanocrystalline tin(II) selenide thin films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (2008) 3525-3537.

17. B. Pejova, Analysis of the shape of spectral dependence of absorption coefficient and stationary photoconductivity spectral response in nanocrystalline bismuth(III) sulfide thin films, Materials Research Bulletin 43 (2008) 2887-2903.

18. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, Chemical synthesis, structural and optical properties of quantum sized semiconducting tin(II) selenide in thin film form, Thin Solid Films 515 (2007) 5203-5211.

19. B. Pejova, A. Tanuševski, I. Grozdanov, Photophysics, photoelectrical properties and photoconductivity relaxation dynamics of quantum sized bismuth(III) sulfide thin films, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (2005) 1786-1798.

20. B. Pejova, A. Tanuševski, I. Grozdanov, Semiconducting thin films of zinc selenide quantum dots, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (2004) 4785-4799.

21. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, A. Tanuševski, Optical and thermal band gap energy of chemically deposited bismuth(III) selenide thin films, Materials Chemistry and Physics 83 (2004) 245-249.

22. B. Pejova, A. Tanuševski, I. Grozdanov, Investigation of photoelectrical properties and relaxation dynamics in photoexcited CdSe nanocrystals in thin film form, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 174 (2003) 276-284.

23. B. Pejova, A. Tanuševski, I. Grozdanov, Chemical deposition of semiconducting cadmium selenide quantum dots in thin film form and investigation of their optical and electrical properties, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 172 (2003) 381-388.

24. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, Chemical deposition and characterization of glassy bismuth(III) selenide thin films, Thin Solid Films 408 (2002) 6-10.

25. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, Chemical deposition and characterization of Cu3Se2 and CuSe thin films, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 158 (2001) 49-54.

26. B. Pejova, I. Grozdanov, Solution growth and characterization of amorphous selenium thin films. Heat transformation to nanocrystalline gray selenium thin films, Applied Surface Science 177 (2001) 152-157.

27. B. Pejova, T. Kocareva, M. Najdoski, I. Grozdanov, A solution growth route to nanocrystalline nickel oxide thin films, Applied Surface Science 165 (2000) 271-278.

28. B. Pejova, M. Najdoski, I. Grozdanov, S. K. Dey, Chemical bath deposition of nanocrystalline {111} texured mercury(II) selenide thin layers on transparent polyester sheets, Journal of Materials Chemistry 9 (1999) 22889-2892.




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